New Years Resolutions

Hello Chums

I thought I would share with you my new years resolutions this year and how I plan to go about them. 

1) Learn to drive 

I have been learning to drive for around a year now. I had to change instructor a few months ago which has effected my confidence and put me back a few steps when it comes to getting on the road. I am currently taking manual driving lessons and I feel like I am getting closer and closer to passing my test! I have a lesson once a week and drive occasionally in my own car with my father so I can get as much practise as possible. 

2) Tone up 

I dont feel unconfident in my body, but I feel like I have a few wobbly bobbly bits that I could do with getting rid of. At the moment, it is getting harder for me to exercise due to having such a long commute to work. I try to get some walking in where I can, but hopefully when I can drive I can also join a gym! And by working on my diet I am hoping to become much healthier

3) Eating less meat

This year I have taken on the challenge of veganuary to help reduce my meat intake and see if it makes me feel better in myself - so far so good! I am finding it much easier than I initially anticipated as so many more options are becoming available! 

4) Get out more 

This one relies more on me learning to drive, but I am hoping to be able to join some gym classes, as sports club or 2, maybe even do some volunteering. I am the sort of person who really needs to be around other people so to better myself this year and push myself I want to put myself out there even thought it can be scary! 

5) Save save save! 

As I am getting older it's time for me to start saving for the inevitable settling down stage! I have started doing this by making separate pots on monzo and various savings accounts. Hopefully this and a sensible budget will help! 

So those are my new years resolutions, let me know yours!




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